Sunday, May 8, 2011


I attended the monthly meeting of The Meath Writers' Circle, which was held at The Castle Hotel Trim, on Thursday 5th May. There was 14 members present and this lead to a great nights reading.

Frank Murphy was busy recording with his camera.  Most members read from their own work while I read a piece titled " Kilkelly Ireland ".

130 years after his great grandfather left the small village of Kilkelly in Co. Mayo, Peter Jones found a bundle of letters sent to him by his father in Ireland.  The letters tell of family news, births, deaths, sales of land and bad harvests.  They remind the son, that he is loved, missed and remembered by his family in Kilkelly.
After I read the piece Sean Reilly informed me that the piece was a song.  Frank Murphy recorded most of those who read on the night and will be uploading to his blog soon.

To hear the readings pay Frank a visit HERE and enjoy.


Pete Goulding said...

I love the song Kilkelly Ireland but my wife maintains its one of the most depressing songs ever written!

MichaelSheils said...

Thanks Peter for the comment. I can't recall ever hearing the song. I only came across it last week and I liked it so much that I read it at Meath Writers' Circle's meeting last week. I'm waiting for Frank to post it. Beware you might agree with your wife when you hear me read it.


Frank said...

I first came across that song on the BBC "Bringing It All Back Home" Lots of versions on youtube. You'll be expected to sing the song the next time! Post it up in the next few days all going well!

MichaelSheils said...

I must check it out and God help the lot of you.

Meath Books Follow Tommy Murray on Irish Writers Online said...

A great Report Mick


MichaelSheils said...

Thanks tommy. What did you think of the Little Rocker?
