Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fulham's Bar

I will arise and go now
And go to Fulham's Bar.
For I hear the Navan Whistle calling me
And I shall have a good pint there
For honky fills them with great care.
It's there I'll hear the Squib sing
Didily a yi di di, didily a yi di di
Hulligan: Brulligan, Mulligan, and the bold O'Donohue.
With Sossy on the bodhran
Red ken and Brillo on guitar
Patrice on the bongo
And Eddie Who too
Kinky in the corner, is right!, is right!!, is right!!!
Young Whitey in the background
With his sidekick Soldier Booth
storing the sh.. as usual
Patsy in the lounge defending Bertie
Tucker on the high stool using a mobile phone
Sophie and her master enjoying a pint or two
Matchine in the bar hugging the radiator
The cold creature
With Gint by his side humming a tune
And Paddy the Red Gibney singing Eileen
Barney in the back room planning his next bar be
Kinky in the corner, is right!, is right!! is right!!!
And I shall have some fun there
For fun comes dropping slow
Dropping from the tap behind the counter
With Honky in control
And the sound of the Navan Whistle will surely set Squib off again
Didily a yi di di, didily a yi di di
Hulligan: Brulligan, Mulligan and the bold O'Donohue
Come on the O' Mahony's, shouts Henry the fastest milkman on the east coast
Kinky in the corner, is right!, is right!!, is right!!!
And I shall have some comfort there
The comfort and the crack
The heat from the fire
The beat of the town
The stories of it's people
Is right!!!
Beloved echoes from the past are often heard there
If you're driving home make sure you have a car
Good morning Reverend Mother old son
What ever you're having yourself.
The welcoming bar man with a pint of Black Wisdom
Yes!!, it's all there in Fulham's Bar
Is right!!!.
Michael " The Sheriff " Sheils.